The Digitalist Team
October 18, 2021

Common Criteria, The Security Passport: 1 topic from 4 perspectives


min reading time

Join our workshop on 18th November, 2021 and learn how to achieve a successful Common Criteria evaluation project!

CCLab Ltd. was founded in 2013 as an agile software laboratory primarily to work in Common Criteria evaluations and consultations. It has been accredited by OCSI, the Certification Body of the Italian Scheme, since 2015.

We are ready to share our experience and knowledge!
CCLab conducted many successful evaluation and consultation projects in the field of Common Criteria. The number of evaluation projects and certified products keep increasing each year so we decided  to share our experiences in a free online workshop for developers and manufacturers.
We consider it important not only to present the process of CC evaluation from the lab’s point of view, but from all other stakeholders’ perspectives as well. We invited another laboratory expert (TÜV Trust IT), , a US consulting company (Corsec), and a client (Kaspersky) to share their experiences. All of our presenters are experienced industry experts  with first-hand information about the Common Criteria evaluation process.

Be prepared, and listen to our advice!
During the workshop, we aim to share practical information and recommendations not only to those who are still be planning Common Criteria evaluation, but also those who have already been involved in such a process. We provide tips on how to make the evaluation fast, smooth and stress-free, and there will also be enough time allocated for arising questions during the workshop.

Main topics we will talk about:

  • The Common Criteria landscape and a hint of the upcoming EUCC Scheme
  • The role and importance of consulting in CC projects, cooperation with Test Lab and client
  • Are you ready? Tips and tricks to prepare for a successful CC evaluation project.
  • How to make the process effective and smooth? How to void typical mistakes?  
  • Client experience of  CC evaluation.

Get our FREE guide & check-list at the end of the event and use it when preparing for your next evaluation project!
Each registered guest will receive our “Guide and Checklist for Common Criteria Evaluation”!

Have you missed the webinar?

You can watch it on-demand HERE.

Related downloadables

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Guide and Checklist for Common Criteria Evaluations

Guide and Checklist for Common Criteria Evaluations

Learn everything you need to know for a successful Common Criteria certification project. Save costs and efforts with your checklist.

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