ETSI  EN 303 645 infographics for Consumer IoT devices

Download our ETSI EN 303 635 infographics today and learn about the product certification process for this consumer IoT device cybersecurity standard.


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Get started with the ETSI EN 303 635 cybersecurity standard

Want to test and certify your product against the ETSI EN 303 635 cybersecurity standard but don't know where to start? This flowchart has all the information you need to get started prepared.

Learn how to ensure Consumer IoT security

The FREE downloadable material includes the phases of the consumer IoT security certification, the roles and responsibilities, and the duration of the:

I. Preparation phase

II. Evaluation phase

II/A. Document Evaluation phase

II/B. Vulnerability assessment phase

Download our FREE ETSI EN 303 635 infographic now and learn more!

Selected References