The Digitalist Team
January 16, 2020

New Protection Profile for Smart Meters


min reading time

The new PP was developed and published in November 2019 by Ad-Hoc Group Privacy & Security of the CEN/CENELEC/ETSI Coordination Group on Smart Meters.
The latest PP document is available on the Common Criteria Portal.

As the number of IoT and specifically smart metering products have been increasing recently all over the world, it will be a great help for factories, producers and also for clients who intend to use these kinds of products in the future. The PP includes a detailed description of all the minimum security requirements which should be met by any smart metering product available on the market.

Why do we like it so much?

  • It supports the requirements of all stakeholders. The Protection Profile is based on wide industrial collaboration.
  • It is practical and easy to use. The usability, quality, and robustness are supported by CEN/CENELEC/ETSI and Common Criteria.
  • Certify once, sell many times. Common Criteria means mutual recognition that can be a huge benefit for manufacturers, utilities, regulatory authorities, and citizens.

CCLAB has great experience in CC evaluations and smart metering devices.

With the clear Protection Profile CCLAB will keep on providing the most effective and shortest possible evaluation projects on the highest professional level for its clients.

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