The Digitalist Team
April 11, 2024

How to get ready for NIS2 Compliance?


min reading time

The NIS Directive was the EU's inaugural cybersecurity legislation, aiming to establish a unified high level of cybersecurity across Member States. Although it bolstered cybersecurity capabilities, its implementation encountered challenges, leading to fragmentation within the internal market.

In response to escalating digital threats and cyber-attacks, the Commission proposed replacing the NIS Directive to enhance security requirements, address supply chain security, simplify reporting duties, and enforce stricter oversight and penalties uniformly across the EU. By broadening NIS2's coverage to encompass more entities and sectors, it aims to elevate cybersecurity levels in Europe over the long run.

The NIS2 Directive enhances the protection of the EU's digital infrastructure, placing particular emphasis on the security of critical infrastructures and services. Organizations must reassess and potentially modify their security protocols to comply with the directive's requirements, aiming to achieve heightened security and stability.

NIS2 Directive enhances the protection of the EU's digital infrastructure, source: Freepik

The Network and Information Security Directive, known as NIS2, was introduced in 2020 and came into effect on January 16, 2023, and represents a continuation and expansion of the previous EU cybersecurity directive, NIS. Proposed by the European Commission, it aims to build upon and address the shortcomings of the original NIS directive.

NIS2 is designed to bolster the security of network and information systems across the EU by mandating that operators of critical infrastructure and essential services implement suitable security measures and promptly report incidents to the relevant authorities.

In comparison to NIS, NIS2 broadens its security requirements and extends the range of organizations and sectors covered at the EU level. This expansion is intended to enhance supply chain security, streamline reporting obligations, and enforce more rigorous measures and penalties across Europe.

Who does NIS2 Apply to?

NIS2 impacts all entities contributing essential or important services to the European economy and society, encompassing both companies and suppliers. NIS2 basically distinguishes 2 categories of entity:

1. Essential Entities (EE)

In most cases more than 250 employees, annual turnover of € 50 million or a balance sheet of € 43 million in these sectors:

  • Energy
  • Transport
  • Finance
  • Public administration
  • Health
  • Space
  • Water supply (drinking & wastewater)
  • Digital infrastructure (e.g. cloud computing service providers, DNS service providers)
  • ICT service management)

2. Important Entities (IE)

Important entities in these sectors:

  • Postal and courier services
  • Waste management
  • Chemicals
  • Research
  • Foods
  • Manufacturing (e.g. medical devices and other equipment)
  • Digital providers (e.g. social networks, search engines, and online marketplaces)

The release date

NIS2 becomes legally binding in 2024, with Member States having until October 17, 2024, to transpose the Directive into their national legislation. Consequently, organizations falling under the Directive will be required to comply with its provisions by the fourth quarter of 2024. Typically, achieving NIS2 compliance, which includes, risk assessments, security assessments, auditing, consultation, and implementation of tools and measures, takes around 12 months.

The NIS2 Directive outlines distinct consequences for failure to comply, which encompass:

  • Non-monetary corrective actions
  • Administrative fines
  • Criminal penalties

These repercussions may be applied to essential and important entities for offenses such as not meeting security standards and neglecting to report incidents.

NIS2 becomes legally binding in 2024, with Member States having until October 17, 2024. Source: Freepik

Challenges of Compliance with the NIS2 Directive

The NIS2 Directive establishes a multifaceted regulatory framework aimed at enhancing the security of the EU's digital infrastructure. It is crucial for organizations to thoroughly understand these regulations and develop strategies for their effective implementation.

Compliance is not only a legal obligation but also an opportunity for organizations to review and strengthen their cybersecurity practices, thus better defending themselves against potential attacks.

Achieving compliance with the NIS2 Directive is a complex process. The experts at CCLab are ready to assist organizations in understanding the regulatory frameworks comprehensively and implementing necessary changes. We are ready to make recommendations for reviewing existing security policies, identifying gaps, and supporting the development of new protocols in line with the directive.

Technological Challenges

Updating technological infrastructure and adopting new technologies require not only financial investment but also time and resources. However, upgrading outdated systems and integrating modern cybersecurity tools is undoubtedly a worthwhile investment.

In addition to securing infrastructure, it is essential to monitor ongoing threats and possess the capability for swift response to safeguard organizations against cybersecurity incidents.

Therefore, technological developments and system upgrades are crucial. As a first step, we propose a technological audit to evaluate existing infrastructure and security systems. Subsequently, CCLab experts can assess existing technological infrastructure, provide advice on potential upgrades, and support the integration of the latest security technologies.

The Human Factor

The role of people is critical in cybersecurity defense. Conscious and trained employees can recognize and mitigate potential threats. Moreover, through proper training, employees can learn the fundamentals of safe online behavior and effective responses to unexpected events.

Organizing educational programs and ongoing training are required by NIS2, thus those are also essential elements of a company's cybersecurity strategy to protect the organization's data and resources. To increase employee awareness, extensive training programs are necessary. CCLab offers training that includes cybersecurity basics, threat recognition, and secure online behavior to reduce the number of security incidents arising from human error.

To increase employee awareness, extensive training programs are necessary. Source: Freepik

Incident Management and Response

Well-developed incident management plans and swift, effective responses to cybersecurity incidents are crucial from the perspective of the NIS2 Directive. From the initial steps, organizations must be capable of adhering to the directive's requirements during incident management.

Proactive incident management and the development of response strategies are essential. CCLab professionals can assist organizations in developing and implementing incident management plans, including rapid response mechanisms and post-incident analysis, thereby minimizing future risks.

Data Protection

Data protection is another area of paramount importance. A cybersecurity consulting company can assist in reviewing and strengthening data protection policies and procedures, as well as providing advice on ensuring the integrity, availability, and confidentiality of data.

Network Security

To enhance network security, advanced defense solutions such as firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, and antivirus software are necessary. CCLab experts can assess the effectiveness of existing network security solutions, provide advice on addressing gaps, and assist in the introduction of newer and stronger network security measures.


The NIS2 Directive presents numerous challenges, but it also offers opportunities for organizations to review and strengthen their cybersecurity systems. CCLab can be your partner on this journey, providing the expertise and support needed for a smooth and effective adaptation.

Third-party IT security professionals and consultants, like CCLab, could provide support in the preparation of NIS2 compliance. We are offering consultancy and audit services to our international clients. 

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