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February 29, 2024

How To Access International Markets Faster Through IECEE CB Scheme Certification


min reading time

Businesses continually seek avenues to expand their market reach and drive profitability in the dynamic global commerce landscape. Among the myriad strategies available, leveraging international standards and certifications is paramount to facilitating market access. One such pivotal certification framework is the IECEE CB Scheme. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricacies of the scheme, elucidating its significance, benefits, and the streamlined process it offers for accessing international markets with unparalleled efficiency.

The scheme is a fundamental pillar in international trade. Source: Freepik

Understanding the CB Scheme

The scheme is a fundamental pillar in international trade, especially concerning electrical and electronic components, equipment, and products, including connected devices. Its essence is facilitating the mutual recognition of test reports and certificates among participating countries and certification bodies. 

This framework aims to synchronize national standards with internationally recognized benchmarks by esteemed organizations such as the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

1. Harmonization for Global Compliance

The CB Scheme embodies the concept of harmonization, striving for uniform safety standards across diverse markets. It is a unifying force amidst varying regulatory frameworks, aligning with internationally accepted norms from organizations like the IEC.

Simplified Compliance Processes

A key aspect of the CB Scheme's harmonization efforts is simplifying compliance for manufacturers. By aligning national regulations with global standards, it streamlines the certification process. This reduces administrative burdens and eliminates redundancies, saving manufacturers time and resources.

Enhanced Transparency and Consistency

Harmonization enhances transparency and consistency in product safety assessments. Manufacturers can rely on standardized evaluation processes, regardless of the target market. This consistency boosts certification credibility and fosters stakeholder trust, facilitating cross-border trade.

Navigating Global Conformity with Confidence

The CB Scheme empowers manufacturers to navigate global conformity assessment confidently. Adhering to recognized standards mitigates compliance risks and ensures seamless market entry. This efficiency saves resources and enables manufacturers to capitalize on emerging opportunities more effectively.

2. Streamlined Conformity Assessment

The CB Scheme simplifies conformity assessment with its principle of "one product, one test, one mark, where applicable." This eliminates redundant testing, allowing manufacturers to obtain a single CB Test Certificate and Report accepted across multiple countries. This reduces time-to-market and administrative overheads, enabling swift market penetration and capitalization on opportunities.

Minimizing Redundancy

Traditionally, manufacturers faced repetitive testing for each target market, driven by varying regulatory requirements. However, the scheme simplifies this process by offering a streamlined approach. 

Manufacturers can avoid duplicative testing with a single CB Test Certificate and Report, enhancing efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Accelerating Time-to-Market

The scheme expedites the certification process, allowing manufacturers to bring their products to market quickly. Manufacturers can capitalize on fast-paced industry opportunities by reducing bureaucratic delays and administrative burdens and gaining a competitive edge.

Mitigating Administrative Overheads

Centralized certification through the scheme simplifies documentation and administrative processes, saving manufacturers time and resources. Manufacturers enhance operational efficiency and focus on core business activities by avoiding coordination with multiple certification bodies.

Capitalizing on Opportunities

The efficiency of the CB Scheme enables manufacturers to seize emerging market opportunities swiftly. Whether entering new regions or launching innovative products, manufacturers can adapt rapidly, responding to consumer demands and maintaining competitiveness.

The testing process covers various aspects, including electrical safety, and electromagnetic compatibility, and cybersecurity. Source: Freepik

3. Evolution to Address Modern Challenges

In response to the evolving landscape of technology and emerging challenges, the CB Scheme has expanded its purview to encompass cybersecurity testing and certification. This move also acknowledges the paramount importance of cybersecurity with Common Criteria.

Addressing the Growing Threat Landscape

The proliferation of interconnected devices and the increasing digitization of industries have underscored the critical need for robust cybersecurity measures. Cyber threats, ranging from data breaches to malicious attacks, pose significant risks to businesses and consumers.

Integration into the CB Scheme

Manufacturers can proactively address these challenges by integrating IoT cybersecurity assessments. This integration allows manufacturers to ensure that their products meet stringent security standards and are effectively safeguarded against cyber threats.

Enhancing Product Security

Subjecting products to rigorous cybersecurity evaluations enables manufacturers to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities effectively. By adhering to recognized cybersecurity standards, manufacturers can enhance the overall security of their products, reducing the risk of exploitation by malicious actors.

Instilling Consumer Trust

Obtaining CB Scheme certification for cybersecurity demonstrates a commitment to protecting consumer data and privacy. In an era where cybersecurity breaches are prevalent, consumers prioritize security when purchasing. CB Scheme certification for cybersecurity reassures consumers of the integrity and reliability of certified products, fostering trust and confidence.

Driving Brand Loyalty and Competitiveness

The enhanced trust resulting from CB Scheme certification for cybersecurity drives brand loyalty and competitiveness. By prioritizing IoT cybersecurity and obtaining certification, manufacturers differentiate their products in the marketplace, positioning themselves as leaders in security and reliability.

Testing laboratories have state-of-the-art facilities and the technical expertise to assess products rigorously. Source: Freepik

4. Role of National Certification Bodies (NCBs)

The National Certification Bodies (NCBs) play a central role in the CB Scheme, serving as the primary interface for manufacturers seeking CB certification. As the designated authority within their respective countries, NCBs, like QIMA Certification (Germany) GmbH act as the central hub through which manufacturers navigate the certification process.

Guidance and Support

NCBs provide invaluable guidance and support to manufacturers throughout the certification journey. From initial application to the issuance of the CB Test Certificate, NCBs offer assistance at every stage, ensuring manufacturers understand the requirements and procedures involved.

Collaboration with CB Testing Laboratories (CBTLs)

NCBs collaborate closely with authorized CB Testing Laboratories (CBTLs) to conduct comprehensive testing and evaluations. Leveraging their technical expertise and accreditation, CBTLs perform rigorous assessments to determine product compliance with relevant IEC standards and national deviations for target markets.

Overseeing the Certification Process

NCBs oversee the entire certification process, from submitting product samples to issuing the CB Test Certificate. They ensure that testing follows established protocols and that certification decisions are made objectively and impartially.

Ensuring Compliance with Standards

A key responsibility of NCBs is to ensure that manufacturers' products meet the requisite standards set forth by the CB Scheme. Through meticulous evaluation and review, NCBs verify compliance with relevant IEC standards and national deviations, safeguarding the integrity and credibility of the certification process.

5. Collaboration with CB Testing Laboratories (CBTLs)

NCBs forge strategic partnerships with authorized CB Testing Laboratories (CBTLs) to conduct comprehensive testing and evaluations. These laboratories have state-of-the-art facilities and the technical expertise to assess products rigorously.

Technical Expertise and Accreditation

CBTLs are accredited entities with a proven track record in conducting testing and evaluations. Their technical expertise ensures thorough assessments that adhere to established protocols and standards, guaranteeing the reliability and accuracy of certification outcomes.

Expedited Certification Process

By leveraging the capabilities of CBTLs, NCBs can expedite the certification process without compromising on quality. The streamlined collaboration between NCBs and CBTLs facilitates efficient testing procedures, enabling manufacturers to obtain certification promptly.

Maintaining Integrity and Reliability

Despite expediting the certification process, NCBs remain committed to upholding the integrity and reliability of the CB Scheme. 

Collaborating with accredited CBTLs ensures that certification decisions are based on objective and impartial evaluations, enhancing the scheme's credibility in the global marketplace.

Collaborating with accredited CBTLs enhances the scheme's credibility in the global marketplace, Source: Freepik

Benefits of the CB Scheme

The benefits of the CB Scheme are numerous and essential for manufacturers looking to expand globally. Beyond regulatory compliance, the certification streamlines processes, enhances market acceptance, and fosters efficiency, confidence, and global market access.

Unified Approach to Safety

The scheme's heart lies in a unified approach to safety endorsed by many countries worldwide. Manufacturers can streamline the certification process by adhering to internationally recognized standards by esteemed organizations such as the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). 

This entails eliminating redundant testing and evaluation for each target market, expediting time-to-market, and significantly reducing administrative burdens and costs associated with obtaining multiple national certifications. Harmonizing safety standards ensures consistency and coherence in product evaluation, enabling manufacturers to navigate regulatory complexities easily and confidently.

Enhanced Trust and Confidence

One of the most significant benefits of CB Scheme certification is its ability to instill trust and confidence in end-users and consumers. The rigorous certification process and the issuance of CB Test Certificates and Reports are tangible evidence of compliance with stringent safety standards. 

These certifications testify to the quality and reliability of certified products, assuring buyers of their safety and efficacy. As a result, CB Scheme-certified products enjoy increased market acceptance and competitiveness, fostering brand loyalty and driving sustained growth for manufacturers.

Facilitated Market Access

Beyond the realms of participating countries, the CB Scheme facilitates market access through mutual recognition agreements and the acceptance of CB Test Reports. Manufacturers can leverage these agreements to navigate regulatory barriers in non-CB member countries, expanding their global footprint with relative ease. 

By presenting CB Test Reports, manufacturers can demonstrate compliance with internationally recognized standards, thus gaining entry into new markets without additional testing or evaluation. This seamless market access empowers manufacturers to capitalize on emerging opportunities, penetrate new territories, and tap into previously untapped consumer segments.

Each step is crucial in facilitating market access, from the initial application to the issuance of the CB Test Certificate. Source: Freepik

The CB Scheme Process: A Step-by-Step Guide

Navigating the scheme involves a meticulously crafted process to ensure efficiency and effectiveness in obtaining certification. 

From the initial application to the issuance of the CB Test Certificate, each step is crucial in facilitating market access and ensuring compliance with international standards. Let's delve into the intricacies of the CB Scheme process, exploring the key stages and the roles of various stakeholders involved.

Application and Documentation Submission

The journey begins with the manufacturer's application to a National Certification Body (NCB) or a CB Testing Laboratory (CBTL). 

This application includes product samples and requisite documentation, providing essential insights into the product's specifications and intended use. Manufacturers must ensure that all documentation is complete and accurate, as it forms the basis for subsequent testing and evaluation.

Comprehensive Testing and Evaluation

Once the application is accepted, the product samples undergo comprehensive testing and evaluation at authorized CBTLs. 

These laboratories have state-of-the-art facilities and technical expertise to conduct rigorous assessments under applicable IEC standards and national requirements. The testing process covers various aspects, including electrical safety, electromagnetic compatibility, and, where applicable, cybersecurity.

Scrutiny of Compliance with Standards

CBTLs meticulously scrutinize the product's adherence to applicable IEC standards and national differences during testing. This involves conducting tests and analyses to assess the product's performance and safety characteristics.

Issuance of CB Test Report

Upon successful completion of testing, the CBTL generates a comprehensive CB Test Report detailing the evaluation outcomes. 

This report serves as a crucial document, providing insights into the product's compliance with international standards and their national differences (if any). Manufacturers should review the CB Test Report thoroughly to ensure accuracy and completeness before submission to the NCB.

Review and Certification by the NCB

The NCB plays a pivotal role in the process, serving as the final arbiter of certification. Upon receiving the CB Test Report from the CBTL, the NCB conducts a thorough review to verify compliance with international standards and national requirements. This review encompasses a detailed analysis of the test results, documentation, and any additional information the manufacturer provides.

Issuance of CB Test Certificate

Following a successful review, our NCB, QIMA Certification (Germany) GmbH issues the coveted CB Test Certificate to the manufacturer, affirming compliance with international standards. 

This certificate is tangible evidence of the product's safety and quality, providing manufacturers with a competitive edge in the global marketplace. Armed with the CB Test Certificate, manufacturers gain unfettered access to diverse markets, confidently enabling the sale and distribution of certified products.

Market Access and Distribution

With the CB Certificate, manufacturers can confidently navigate regulatory barriers and gain entry into diverse markets worldwide. 

The certification serves as a passport to international trade, facilitating the seamless sale and distribution of certified products to consumers across the globe. By adhering to the scheme's rigorous standards, manufacturers can enhance their reputation, build consumer trust, and drive sustained growth in an increasingly interconnected world.


The IECEE CB certification is a beacon of efficiency and reliability in international trade. Harmonizing standards and fostering mutual recognition empower manufacturers to access global markets with unprecedented speed and ease. 

The streamlined certification process and its myriad benefits underscore the CB Scheme's indispensability in today's interconnected marketplace. As businesses navigate the complexities of global trade, embracing the CB Scheme emerges as a strategic imperative, unlocking new opportunities and driving sustained growth in an ever-evolving landscape.

CCLab as an independent cybersecurity CB testing laboratory in cooperation with our NCB, QIMA Certification (Germany) GmbH, offers extensive assistance to enterprises, encompassing security examination and certification according to international standards. The lab specialists are available to aid manufacturers and developers in aligning with the standard's requirements. These services enable manufacturers to navigate the intricacies of cybersecurity assessments, promoting a more secure digital landscape.

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